It was exciting to be a panelist and present my workshop at Santa Clara University.
The panel (below) included a diverse group of leaders tackling EJ from different dimensions:
Climate and Health Justice: Youth Insights – Evelyn Bigini, University of California, San Francisco and Earth Uprising
Divestment Efforts at Santa Clara University – Emily Pachoud,
Environmental Studies and Sociology ‘23, tUrn Climate Crisis Awareness and Action Project, SCU Environmental Action (ENACT)
Climate Justice Education with Younger Participants at an Urban Farm – Rosa Maria Gordillo, Environmental Education Manager, Veggielution
The Relationship between Food Security and National Security – Jordan Tachibana, Political Science ‘23, Intern for Congressman Ro Khanna
Addressing Disparities in Student Food Security and Basic Needs on Campus – Antonio Amore Rojas, Madeline Pugh, Environmental Studies, SCU ‘23