

  • One of the seven rainwater harvesting systems placed in East Palo Alto to reduce flooding

    June 2024

  • Learning about the replacement of clay soil with bioswale soil (a more permeable soil and one that prevents flooding) in East Palo Alto

    June 2024

  • Speaking to East Palo Alto homeowners about the installation of rainwater harvesting systems in their homes at Climate Resilient Communities' Rainwater Garden Workshop

    June 2024

  • Incorporating the National Generation Science Standards (NGSS) into our curriculum with Ms. Jennifer Mutch, the science coordinator at the Santa Clara County Office of Education

    May 2024

  • Setting up and checking in faculty, professors, and students of the Stanford community at the first EJ Teaching Workshop at Stanford University

    May 2024

  • Encouraging professors to reflect on their own positionality when creating their lesson plans at the EJ Teaching Workshop at Stanford University

    May 2024

  • Discussing EJ teaching resources for Stanford faculty to use in order to incorporate EJ into their lesson plans

    May 2024

  • Honored to have Ms. Violet Saena (Executive Director of Climate Resilient Communities) as our first TedX Speaker!

    April 2024

  • Learning about Ms. Violet's connections with the South Pacific and how it impacts her work today

    April 2024

  • Sharing the importance of EJ education at the Youth Voices panel at the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) Environmental Literacy Summit

    April 2024

  • Discussing our EJ curriculum with Ms. Tara Sreekrishnan (Santa Clara County Board of Education) at the SCCOE Enviornmental Literacy Summit

    April 2024

  • Speaking with Mary Ann Dewan, County Superintendent of Schools at Santa Clara County, about incorporating our EJ curriculum into the county's official resources

    April 2024

  • Meeting youth climate leaders across the Bay Area at the Environmental Literacy Summit

    April 2024

  • Walking through our EJ curriculum with a third grade teacher at Bullis Charter School

    April 2024

  • Connecting with Ms. Violet Saena about her keynote speech and her passion for environmental justice literacy

    April 2024

  • Reconnecting with Ms. Rosa Maria Gordillo (Environmental Education Manager at Veggielution) about updates at education at Veggielution

    April 2024

  • Proud to be presenting at the Earthtones Environmental Justice Event at Stanford

    April 2024

  • Representing CRC (Climate Resilient Communities) at Stanford's annual Earthones festival

    April 2024

  • Engaging with the Sustainable Stanford group as they unveil their innovative climate action strategy at the annual Earthtones festival

    April 2024

  • Presenting my art piece (inspired by The Color Of Law) about redlining and environmental injustice at the Earthtones festival

    April 2024

  • Discussing EJ Mappining for our Curriculum with Ms. Julie Hilborn, Santa Clara County Office of Education

    March 2024

  • Meeting with Ms. Tara SreeKrishnan, Board Member- Santa Clara Couty of Education

    March 2024

  • Discussing community organizing with Roshan Kedar at, India

    March 2024

  • Learning about the potential of AI to educate community members about EJ from Roshan Kedar,, India

    March 2024

  • Volunteering at the Los Altos Community Movie Night and Art Show for the premiere of Midnight train, a racial-justice focused documentary made by Justice Vanguard

    February 2024

  • Our team member Ayaan volunteering at the Community Movie Night and Art Show

    February 2024

  • Attending the Environmental Justice Working Group at Stanford

    February 2024

  • Hearing diverse perspectives at the Environmental Justice Working Group meeting

    February 2024

  • Presenting our Permeable Paver Solution at The Los Altos Environmental Commission

    February 2024

  • Presenting our Permeable Paver Solution at The Los Altos Environmental Commission

    February 2024

  • Presenting at the Los Altos Rotary Group about our permeable-surfaces solution

    January, 2024

  • Volunteering (planting seeds) to promote sustainable living at Veggielution, a community farm

    January, 2024

  • Collaborating and joining forces with with Alexia Leclercq, Co-Founder (Start:Empowerment), on an EJ curriculum to reach schools nationwide

    January, 2024

  • Presenting at Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG) Big West Region about our permeable surfaces

    January, 2024

  • At ESRAG meeting: Learning about technological strategies to reduce emissions

    January, 2024

  • Ideating with Parnassus Investments about incorporating ESG-focused investment firms into EJGrassroots framework

    January, 2024

  • Discussing intersection opportunities between ESG-focused investment firms and EJ organizations

    January, 2024

  • Final stages: putting stakes around the tree as part of the 500-Tree initiative by Greentown Los Altos

    January, 2024

  • Finished planting a tree for a Los Altos resident, as part of the 500-Tree initiative by Greentown Los Altos

    January, 2024


  • Participating in The Watershed Restoration Conference at Stanford University

    Decemeber, 2023

  • Refining our permeable-surfaces handbook with Kan Parthiban, Advisory Council member, San Mateo Sustainability County

    December, 2023

  • Discussing different permeable-surface options for easy installation with Kan Parthiban

    December, 2023

  • Drafting public comments on environmental literacy with the Silicon Valley Youth Climate Action team

    November, 2023

  • Presenting our curriculum at the annual San Mateo Climate Summit 2023

    October, 2023

  • Graduation ceremony: part of the first cohort of Climate Resilient Communities' Youth Climate Collective (YCC)

    October, 2023

  • With Violet Saena, Executive Director of Climate Resilient Communities after the YCC graduation

    October, 2023

  • Managing the payment booth at the Haiti awareness event by Justice Vanguard

    September 2023

  • With Kenan Moos, Co-Founder of Justice Vanguard at the Haiti event panel Q&A

    September 2023

  • Presentation on Coastal Flooding at LEES (Leadership in Earth and Environmental Sciences) program hosted by USESO (United States Earth Science Organization)

    July, 2023

  • Flooding prevention techniques presentation at LEES (Leadership in Earth and Environmental Sciences) program hosted by USESO (United States Earth Science Organization)

    July 2023

  • Youth Climate Collective workshop at YUCA (Youth United for Community Action)

    July 2023

  • Our founding journey featured in Fronds: A Stanford Anthology of Environmental Justice Storytelling, organized by Tanvi Dutta Gupta and Professor Emily Polk

    June 2023

  • Hosting a justice and equity focused art booth at the Los Altos Juneteenth festival

    June 2023

  • Visitors participating at our art booth at the annual Los Altos Juneteenth festival

    June 2023

  • Displaying Juneteenth art at Philz Coffee in collaboration with Miles Goodman (Dist. Representative with State Senate Dist. 13)

    June 2023

  • Juneteenth art display at Philz Coffee

    June 2023

  • Putting up Juneteenth art at Starbucks

    June 2023

  • A Los Altos Downtown visitor observing our Juneteenth art showcased at Satura Cakes

    June 2023

  • Participating in Youth Climate Collective Workshop at Plastic Free Future

    May 2023

  • With the Youth Climate Collective Cohort and Staff at Plastic Free Future

    May 2023

  • Participating in Youth Climate Collective Workshop at Sutro Stewards

    May 2023

  • Presenting our EJ Workshop at Stratford School to 200 students

    May 2023

  • With teachers at Stratford School after our EJ workshop

    May 2023

  • With the organizers of the Santa Clara University Youth-led Environmental Justice Action Summit

    April 2023

  • Presenting on a panel at the Santa Clara University Youth-led Environmental Justice Action Summit

    April 2023

  • Attending Taking the Pulse of the Planet: Sensors to Solutions for Groundwater Science and Management in California’s San Joaquin Valley, a conference hosted by Stanford University

    April 2023

  • Discussing groundwater solutions with experts at the "Groundwater Science and Management in California’s San Joaquin Valley" conference by Stanford University

    April 2023

  • Participating in the Ecotheater performance at Annual Earthtones Festival at Stanford

    March 2023

  • With fellow performers, at the Stanford Ecotheater Workshop

    March 2023

  • Affixing 7,000 stamps for a survey after Klamath Dam removal

    February 2023

  • Attending the Environmental Justice Roundtable Presentation organized by Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability

    February 2023

  • With Shalanda Baker, Director of the Office of Economic Impact and Diversity at the U.S. Department of Energy at the EJ Roundtable

    February 2023

  • Speaking with Lee and Rosa Maria Gordillo, Staff at Veggielution

    January 2023


  • Meeting with Janjri Jasani, Deputy Director at CERE - Centre for Environmental Research and Education (India)

    December 2022

  • Discussing rainwater harvesting, biodiversity and educational gardens with Ms. Janjri Jasani, Deputy Director of CERE at a local garden in Mumbai

    December 2022

  • LeBoulanger's (Downtown Los Altos) post about our environmental "Poetry on Windows" initiative

    December 2022

  • "Poetry On Windows" initiative display at Starbucks in Downtown Los Altos

    December 2022

  • "Poetry On Windows" initiative display at the Shade Store in Downtown Los Altos

    December 2022

  • Word cloud activity ("What do you think of when you hear environmental justice?") at one of our high school workshops

    October 2022

  • Introducing the concept of environmental racism at a workshop with The Nueva School

    September 2022

  • Auditing the Intro to EJ Class at Stanford

    September 2022

  • Attended a colloquium on concept of EJ with redlining, which disproportionately affects marginalized communities

    September 2022

  • Redwood trees at The Nueva School in need of an irrigation system

    June 2022

  • Designed an irrigaton system to save 100 Redwood trees at The Nueva School

    June 2022

  • Built a solar panel powered charging station at our school to harness clean energy

    April 2022

  • Display of solar panel powered charging station at Nueva

    April 2022